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Updated: Feb 19, 2021

I want to welcome you all to the brand new Art Is The Cure website. I'm excited to relaunch things in a big way and see what we can achieve with the organisation. Since I first launched this in 2008, AITC has tried to grow and evolve in different ways but life, art career and other obstacles have got in the way and prevented me from realising its full potential. I feel like now is the right time to explore new ways to grow this movement again and see where I can take it.

We are going to be putting a lot more focus on finding ways to inspire this community, through interviews, films and an upcoming podcast. These different forms of media will allow us to tell inspiring stories, meet amazing people and showcase new ways to use creativity to overcome different obstacles we all face in life.

We have also launched a downloadable colouring book project which we will continue to grow as new artists join forces with us and offer their talents in colouring book formats for everyone to download, print off and have fun colouring in with friends and family.

You can continue to support us by getting some of our new limited edition merchandise. All profits from the merchandise sales and colouring book downloads will go towards running workshops and talks in schools in the future and creating more inspirational content for you all to enjoy and share.

I would love to see you join our communities on this website, facebook and Instagram

If you want to get more involved by sending us photos, videos and stories to share or you want to volunteer your time in some capacity then we would love to hear from you!

Please keep checking back for new interviews, projects, merchandise and initiatives and we cant wait to see what we can achieve as a community to inspire others through this movement. 

Thank you again, Rich.


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