Art as therapy, where creativity and inspiration face adversity head on. When art becomes more than what you see in galleries. It becomes therapeutic, something that connects and heals us. Something that changes lives and inspires hope. It can become a movement, a unifying force through creativity in all forms. It is the key that unlocks pain, solitude and fear. The elixir we all hold within, the ability to heal ourselves in whatever way we want. Art comes in many forms, creativity holds no prejudice and inspiration has no barriers. Art can be hope, art can be a movement, art can inspire.
Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses the medium of art as a form of expression, communication and release. Art therapy is not used as a diagnostic tool, but as a channel to express emotional issues through creativity. Art therapy is often conducted under the supervision of trained, qualified therapists and can be beneficial to people of all ages, difficulties, disabilities or diagnoses. These include emotional, behavioural or mental health problems, learning or physical disabilities, life-limiting conditions, neurological conditions and physical illnesses.
Art Is The Cure fully supports and encourages seeing a trained therapist to learn more about art therapy but we also offer a new approach and idea. We believe that art therapy can be a deeply personal form of self help. Support is often needed at obscure times and mental health can be triggered at any time of day. That is why we believe that learning about your own creative escapes can be a life changing transformation.
It is a simple formula really. Whatever the issue you face, whether its a mental or physical health issue, you can overcome it by understanding your own creative escape and using that as a key to unlock yourself from pain. Whether your art form is painting, writing, skateboarding, music, cooking, model making or something totally different, that becomes the key you can use to unlock yourself whenever you feel trapped by the issues you face. Once you know what your artistic key is, you no longer need to live in fear of the cages you find yourself trapped in.
Mental or physical health issues aren’t going to be cured by painting a picture. We understand that the issues people face are often life long struggles. We simply want to offer a new approach to balancing these struggles by inspiring you to use art and creativity in any form that works for you, to help you through these difficult times. A paint brush can be a crutch to support you on your journey. A guitar can be the paddle to help you row yourself up the river and support yourself when you hit the rapids.
Art can be the healthy release you, a friend or loved one needs to release the pain in a healthy way and this platforms sole purpose is to try and inspire you to find your own, unique, bespoke form of creative therapy.
Need to find an art therapist?
Information from The Art Therapy Alliance
South African Network of Arts Therapies Organizations is an umbrella body that provides a continuing education link between the arts therapies in South Africa.
Hong Kong Association of Art Therapists (HKAAT)
Based upon the belief of the healing power of art in therapy, The Hong Kong Association of Art Therapists was established in 2002 to promote and enhance the continued development of art therapy practice, guided by ethical and professional standards.
Taiwan Art Therapy Association (TATA)
Art Therapy Association of Taiwan, Republic of China was founded in 2004. The Society was founded to focus on the combination of art in three areas: medical psychology, art psychotherapy, and the creation of that treatment (art as therapy) extended to mental health, psychological growth, education activities, creative development and other fields.
Art Therapists’ Association Singapore promotes the profession of art therapy and art therapy practitioners in Singapore.
Korean Art Therapy Association is the professional organization for art therapists in Korea.
Israeli Association of Creative & Expressive Therapies promotes and represents the field of art therapy in Israel.
American Art Therapy Association (AATA)
An organization of art therapy professionals in the Untied States dedicated to the belief that making art is healing and life enhancing. AATA's mission is to serve its members and the general public by providing standards of professional competence, and developing and promoting knowledge in, and of, the field of art therapy.
National Coalition of Creative Arts Therapies Associations (NCCATA) is an alliance of United States membership associations dedicated to the advancement of the creative arts therapies professions.
Association of Art Therapists of Québec (AATQ)
The Association des art-thérapeutes du Québec is one of four professional associations for art therapists in Canada. It is a bilingual organization, distributing information and services in both French and English.
Canadian Art Therapy Association (CATA) was founded in 1977 by Dr. Martin A. Fischer, a psychotherapist practicing Art Therapy, as a non-profit organization to unite and promote the emerging profession of Art Therapy in Canada.
Ontario Art Therapy Association (OATA)
The Association is mandated to provide for the development, the promotion and the maintenance of the profession of Art Therapy in Ontario. In addition, the OATA grants Registered status to Professional members upon successful conclusion of a rigorous process, which includes the documentation of education, and post-graduate supervised experience.
British Columbia Art Therapy Association (BCAT)
The British Columbia Art Therapy Association (BCATA) was founded in 1978 to foster the professional development of art therapy in British Columbia. The Association acts as a provincial voice governing the standards and practice of the profession and its practitioners.
The BCATA provides professional registration for art therapists in British Columbia which entitles them to use BCATR after their name. The Association also upholds the BCATA Code of Ethics and encourages research with respect to art therapy.
Associação de Arteterapia do Rio de Janeiro (AARJ)
Art Therapy Association of Rio de Janeiro
Associação de Arteterapia do Rio Grande do Sul (AATERGS)
Art Therapy Association of Rio Grande do Sul
Associação de Arteterapia do Estado de São Paulo (AATESP)
Art Therapy Association of the State of São Paulo
Colombian Art Therapy Association Ar.Te was founded to congregate responsible and committed people to the constructive development of Art therapy in Colombia. Ar.Te promotes high standards in all processes involving professional training, research and practice of Art Therapy in Colombia. Ar.Te is working towards the legalization of the Art Therapy discipline in the country and for the Educational and Health National Departments to recognize it as such.
British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT)
The British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT) is the professional organization for art therapists in the United Kingdom. Comprising of 20 regional groups, a European and an international section, it maintains a comprehensive directory of qualified art therapists and works to promote art therapy in the UK.
European Consortium for Arts Therapies Educators (ECArTE)
ECArTE is a consortium of Universities. Its primary purpose is to represent and encourage the development of the Arts Therapies at a European level, in particular the courses offering nationally validated and professionally recognised training for arts therapists. (The Arts Therapies include art therapy, dance therapy, drama therapy and music therapy).
European Federation of Art Therapy (EFAT) aims to unite art therapists and professional art therapy associations in Europe.
French Federation of Art Therapists (FFAT)
The FFAT represents a group of art professionals involved in art therapy. It consists of active members, supporters, and accredited members who reflect and build this profession.
Art Therapy Italiana Association
The Italian Art Therapy Association was founded in order to promote the practice of art therapy and dance movement therapy through opportunities for exchange, meeting and training of professional figures involved the use of visual art and movement as a means of preventive and therapeutic.
Irish Association of Creative Arts Therapists (IACAT)
IACAT is the national registration body for creative arts therapists in Ireland. As a professional reference body, it promotes, regulates and upholds the work of creative arts therapists, including Art Therapy, Dance-Movement Therapy, Dramatherapy and Music Therapy.
Icelandic Art Therapy Association's mission is to promote professionalism, follow innovations in the field of art therapy, develop and improve treatment options and educate about art therapy in Iceland.
Germany Association of Art Therapy
The DGKT was founded in 1981 as a professional association committed to professional and job-related questions of art therapists.
Polish Association of Art Therapists upholds and promotes quality standards for art therapy in Poland.
Romanian Association for Expressive Therapies
Swedish National Association for Art Therapists (SBRT)
SBRT is a non-profit organization for Art Therapists founded in 2006. The goals of this organization are to join together Art Therapist throughout Sweden, to further develop Art Therapy as a profession, and to maintain a high standard of quality and ethics within the field.
Federation Vaktherapeutische Occupations (FVB) is the umbrella organization of Dutch Associations for Art Therapy, Dance Therapy, Drama Therapy, Music Therapy, Psychomotor Therapy and Psychomotor Child Therapy.
Australian and New Zealand National Art Therapy Association (ANZATA)
Supporting and advancing arts therapy in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.
This group on LinkedIn created by Sangeeta Prasad will help art therapists and others interested in art as a form of therapy to network and become aware of the developments in art therapy in India and other countries. Members can share information on where they work, how they work and the population they are working with. Through this form members can they establish the field of art therapy and art education in India.
What to expect when you start art therapy...
Where will I meet the art therapist?
You will meet in a private room where you won’t be interrupted, such as an art room or a meeting room. Alternatively, you may meet your art therapist in an online meeting room, using software like Zoom.
Who will be there?
Depending on your needs, you will either join group therapy or individual therapy.
In group therapy, you will be with the art therapist and a small group of participants.
In individual therapy, it will just be you and the art therapist.
Do I have to be good at art?
No, you do not need to have any previous experience or expertise in art. Art therapy isn’t a recreational activity or an art lesson, although the sessions can be enjoyable.
What will we do in an art therapy session?
You will make art and talk (which may be done at the same time) or you can make art in silence if that’s your preference. When making art, you can choose materials that best suit you e.g., paint, pastel or clay, or you might make a collage.
The art therapist may sit quietly and pay attention whilst you make art or they may make art alongside you, depending on your needs during each session. You and the art therapist will also talk and think together to make sense of the thoughts, feelings and experiences that come up during your art-making or when you look at your artwork.